Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sixth Sense Technology

Sixth Sense Technology

                                       We’ve evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses which includes eye, ear, nose, tongue mind and body to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. But arguably the most useful information that can help us make the right decision is not naturally perceivable with our five senses, namely the data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated about everything and which is increasingly all available online.

Li-Fi Technology

Li-Fi Technology


Whether you’re using wireless internet in a coffee shop, stealing it from the guy next door, or competing for bandwidth at a conference, you’ve probably gotten frustrated at the slow speeds you face when more than one device is tapped into the network.

As more and more people and their many devices access wireless internet, clogged airwaves are going to make it increasingly difficult to latch onto a reliable signal. But radio waves are just one part of the spectrum that can carry our data. What if we could use other waves to surf the internet?One German physicist,DR. Harald Haas, has come up with a solution he calls “Data Through Illumination”—taking the fiber out of fiber optics by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. It’s the same idea behind infrared remote controls, but far more powerful.

Big Data Seminar

 Big Data


Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data cu-ration, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy.

The term often refers simply to the use of predictive analytic or other certain advanced methods to extract value from data, and seldom to a particular size of data set. Accuracy in big data may lead to more confident decision making. And better decisions can mean greater operational efficiency, cost reductions and reduced risk.

Analysis of data sets can find new correlations, to "spot business trends, prevent diseases, and combat crime and so on." Scientists, practitioners of media and advertising and governments alike regularly meet difficulties with large data sets in areas including Internet search, finance and business information.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Screenless Display Seminar

Screenless Display


This paper discusses advent of the Screen less display which is an emerging new technology, has become a good prospect in the near future for a wide range of applications. As the name implies it deals with the display of several things without the use of screens using projector.

It involves the following 3 different working principles. The Visual image, Virtual retinal display, Synaptic interface. This paper mainly illustrates and demonstrates how the screen less displays works and its applications in various fields of science. This technology would bring about the revolution in the field of displays and monitors that are costly, huge and are proven difficult to manage the power requirements and constraints . It is also the futuristic technological innovation.

Complete seminar on Facebook Thrift

Facebook Thrift


Thrift is a software library and a set of code generation tool which was developed at the Facebook Office at Palo Alto, California, to expedite development and implementation of scalable and efficient backend services.
  The primary goal of thrift is enable efficient and reliable communication across programming languages by abstracting the portions of each language that tend to require the most customization into a common library that is implemented in each language. This is done by allowing the users to define the data types and service interfaces in a common Interface Definition Logic File (IDL File) which is supposed to be language neutral file and it generates all the necessary code to build Remote Procedure Calls to clients and servers. This report explains the design choices and implementation level details and also tries to demonstrate a sample Thrift Service.